Play Charity Poker in a fun
and safe environment.
Temps taken, Masks required,
hand sanitizer at every table,
Chips and money under UVc
lighting, No food allowed at
the poker tables.

Cash Games 12:30pm to 12:30am
14 tables 7 players per table No limit holdem poker.
Play two face down cards and the five community cards. Bet any amount or go all-in.
- Play Real Money Poker at Bovada. If you’re interested in playing some real money poker, and you live just about anywhere in the United States, there’s no question that Bovada Poker is your best option.
- About Gpoker; Intellectual Media by Shaun Suller. Vision Quest to Shaman’s Cave in Coconino National Forest; The Meaning of Life Quote by Alan Watt; Car Ride Freestyle to the Palms with Jeff Madsen summer 2014 WSOP; Joshua Tree Calling: The Spirit of Gram Parsons; Sabali remake by Shaun Suller featuring Chad Daley.
- Play a game of Poker with other computer players as you try to win all their money. This is a popular free to play poker game that uses the Flash plugin. It has good balance and is rewarding to play with the classic Texas Hold'em game play.
NLH $1-2 blinds $50 to $300 buy in
NLH $1-2 blinds $5 straddle with
$100 to $500 buy in
NLH $-2-5 blinds $200 to $1k buy in
NLH $2-5-10 Straddle $200 to 2K
for 1st hour of play and table captain
max after that /7 players per table

PLO $1-2 blinds $5 bring in $100 to
$1k buy in (PLO starts at 3:00pm)
expect 2 or more strong PLO tables
7 players per table
New Pot Limit 5 card (high only)
5 hole cards must use 2
5 board cards must use 3
$1-1 blinds $50 to $300 buy in
not for the faint of heart
Tournaments offered daily at
1:00pm $55 buy in late entry 2:pm
3:30pm $55 buy in late entry 4:30pm
6:00pm $130 buy in late entry 7:20pm
Text Name and arrival time to
773 688 9955 to reserve a seat on the
day of tournament you want to play
To be guaranteed a seat at 12:30pm
Text 773 688 9955 with your first
name, preferred blind level before 12:15pm
or for later arrival text your name, last initial
, preferred blind level and ETA to get on the
wait list of your choice
If you can’t text call Jim
815 914 7529
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