Sunset Station
The Sunset Station Buffet, also known as the Feast Buffet, is a part of a Station Casino’s chain of buffet restaurants that are located inside their hotel/casinos. Located off the strip, it offers an upscale vibe with its modern interiors without the hefty price tag. Feb 04, 2021 Station Casinos, Inc. (Station) is a gaming and entertainment company that owns and operates several hotel and casino properties throughout Las Vegas, as well as manages a casino for a Native American tribe.
07:09 – 17:38
10 hours, 29 minutes
Current Time: | 7 Feb 2021, 19:48:08 |
Sun Direction: | ↑ 271° West |
Sun Altitude: | -25.7° |
Sun Distance: | 147.568 million km |
Next Equinox: | 20 Mar 2021 05:37 (Vernal) |
Sunrise Today: | 07:09↑ 109° East |
Sunset Today: | 17:38↑ 251° West |
2021 Sun Graph for Fairfax
- Calculations of sunrise and sunset in Bryan – College Station – Texas – USA for February 2021. Generic astronomy calculator to calculate times for sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset for.
- Sunset Station’s premiere restaurants couple excellent food with outstanding value. Featuring some of the most popular, yet most affordable restaurants in Henderson, there’s truly.

February 2021 — Sun in Fairfax
Scroll right to see more2021 | Sunrise/Sunset | Daylength | Astronomical Twilight | Nautical Twilight | Civil Twilight | Solar Noon | ||||||
Feb | Sunrise | Sunset | Length | Diff. | Start | End | Start | End | Start | End | Time | Mil. km |
1 | 07:15 ↑(111°) | 17:31 ↑(249°) | 10:16:02 | +2:02 | 05:43 | 19:02 | 06:15 | 18:30 | 06:46 | 17:59 | 12:22 (34.3°) | 147.414 |
2 | 07:14 ↑(111°) | 17:32 ↑(249°) | 10:18:06 | +2:04 | 05:43 | 19:03 | 06:14 | 18:32 | 06:46 | 18:00 | 12:22 (34.6°) | 147.436 |
3 | 07:13 ↑(110°) | 17:33 ↑(250°) | 10:20:12 | +2:05 | 05:42 | 19:04 | 06:13 | 18:33 | 06:45 | 18:01 | 12:23 (34.9°) | 147.460 |
4 | 07:12 ↑(110°) | 17:34 ↑(250°) | 10:22:20 | +2:07 | 05:41 | 19:05 | 06:12 | 18:34 | 06:44 | 18:02 | 12:23 (35.2°) | 147.484 |
5 | 07:11 ↑(110°) | 17:35 ↑(250°) | 10:24:29 | +2:08 | 05:40 | 19:06 | 06:11 | 18:35 | 06:43 | 18:03 | 12:23 (35.5°) | 147.508 |
6 | 07:10 ↑(109°) | 17:36 ↑(251°) | 10:26:39 | +2:10 | 05:39 | 19:07 | 06:10 | 18:36 | 06:42 | 18:04 | 12:23 (35.8°) | 147.534 |
7 | 07:09 ↑(109°) | 17:38 ↑(251°) | 10:28:51 | +2:11 | 05:38 | 19:08 | 06:09 | 18:37 | 06:41 | 18:05 | 12:23 (36.1°) | 147.559 |
8 | 07:08 ↑(108°) | 17:39 ↑(252°) | 10:31:04 | +2:12 | 05:37 | 19:09 | 06:09 | 18:38 | 06:40 | 18:06 | 12:23 (36.4°) | 147.586 |
9 | 07:07 ↑(108°) | 17:40 ↑(252°) | 10:33:18 | +2:14 | 05:37 | 19:10 | 06:08 | 18:39 | 06:39 | 18:07 | 12:23 (36.7°) | 147.612 |
10 | 07:05 ↑(108°) | 17:41 ↑(253°) | 10:35:33 | +2:15 | 05:36 | 19:11 | 06:07 | 18:40 | 06:38 | 18:08 | 12:23 (37.1°) | 147.639 |
11 | 07:04 ↑(107°) | 17:42 ↑(253°) | 10:37:50 | +2:16 | 05:35 | 19:12 | 06:05 | 18:41 | 06:37 | 18:10 | 12:23 (37.4°) | 147.667 |
12 | 07:03 ↑(107°) | 17:43 ↑(253°) | 10:40:07 | +2:17 | 05:33 | 19:13 | 06:04 | 18:42 | 06:36 | 18:11 | 12:23 (37.7°) | 147.695 |
13 | 07:02 ↑(106°) | 17:44 ↑(254°) | 10:42:26 | +2:18 | 05:32 | 19:14 | 06:03 | 18:43 | 06:35 | 18:12 | 12:23 (38.1°) | 147.723 |
14 | 07:01 ↑(106°) | 17:46 ↑(254°) | 10:44:46 | +2:19 | 05:31 | 19:15 | 06:02 | 18:44 | 06:33 | 18:13 | 12:23 (38.4°) | 147.752 |
15 | 07:00 ↑(105°) | 17:47 ↑(255°) | 10:47:06 | +2:20 | 05:30 | 19:16 | 06:01 | 18:45 | 06:32 | 18:14 | 12:23 (38.7°) | 147.781 |
16 | 06:58 ↑(105°) | 17:48 ↑(255°) | 10:49:27 | +2:21 | 05:29 | 19:17 | 06:00 | 18:46 | 06:31 | 18:15 | 12:23 (39.1°) | 147.810 |
17 | 06:57 ↑(105°) | 17:49 ↑(256°) | 10:51:50 | +2:22 | 05:28 | 19:18 | 05:59 | 18:47 | 06:30 | 18:16 | 12:23 (39.4°) | 147.840 |
18 | 06:56 ↑(104°) | 17:50 ↑(256°) | 10:54:13 | +2:23 | 05:27 | 19:19 | 05:58 | 18:48 | 06:29 | 18:17 | 12:23 (39.8°) | 147.870 |
19 | 06:54 ↑(104°) | 17:51 ↑(257°) | 10:56:37 | +2:23 | 05:26 | 19:20 | 05:56 | 18:49 | 06:27 | 18:18 | 12:22 (40.2°) | 147.901 |
20 | 06:53 ↑(103°) | 17:52 ↑(257°) | 10:59:01 | +2:24 | 05:24 | 19:21 | 05:55 | 18:50 | 06:26 | 18:19 | 12:22 (40.5°) | 147.933 |
21 | 06:52 ↑(103°) | 17:53 ↑(258°) | 11:01:26 | +2:25 | 05:23 | 19:22 | 05:54 | 18:51 | 06:25 | 18:20 | 12:22 (40.9°) | 147.965 |
22 | 06:50 ↑(102°) | 17:54 ↑(258°) | 11:03:52 | +2:25 | 05:22 | 19:23 | 05:53 | 18:52 | 06:24 | 18:21 | 12:22 (41.2°) | 147.997 |
23 | 06:49 ↑(102°) | 17:55 ↑(258°) | 11:06:18 | +2:26 | 05:21 | 19:24 | 05:51 | 18:53 | 06:22 | 18:22 | 12:22 (41.6°) | 148.030 |
24 | 06:48 ↑(101°) | 17:57 ↑(259°) | 11:08:45 | +2:26 | 05:19 | 19:25 | 05:50 | 18:54 | 06:21 | 18:23 | 12:22 (42.0°) | 148.064 |
25 | 06:46 ↑(101°) | 17:58 ↑(259°) | 11:11:13 | +2:27 | 05:18 | 19:26 | 05:49 | 18:55 | 06:20 | 18:24 | 12:22 (42.4°) | 148.098 |
26 | 06:45 ↑(100°) | 17:59 ↑(260°) | 11:13:41 | +2:28 | 05:17 | 19:27 | 05:47 | 18:56 | 06:18 | 18:25 | 12:22 (42.7°) | 148.133 |
27 | 06:44 ↑(100°) | 18:00 ↑(260°) | 11:16:09 | +2:28 | 05:15 | 19:28 | 05:46 | 18:57 | 06:17 | 18:26 | 12:21 (43.1°) | 148.168 |
28 | 06:42 ↑(99°) | 18:01 ↑(261°) | 11:18:38 | +2:28 | 05:14 | 19:29 | 05:45 | 18:58 | 06:15 | 18:28 | 12:21 (43.5°) | 148.204 |
* All times are local time for Fairfax. They take into account refraction. Dates are based on the Gregorian calendar. Today is highlighted. |
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec

Sun and Moon times today for Fairfax
Moonrise and moonset times for Fairfax
Phases of the Moon for Fairfax
Sunset Station San Antonio

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Sunset Station Casino
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